Friday, April 3, 2009

As you can probably guess by the infrequency of this blog, my life has been a little busy lately. I am busy wrapping things up at work, as I'll be taking time off to have my little baby, and getting ready for his arrival has been interesting thus far.

In some ways May 20th (or whichever day he arrives) cannot come fast enough. I haven't reached the uncomfortable, swollen feet, sore back, 'can you help me up' stages yet, but I am curious. What does he look like? Will he really be a boy like they suppose, or are we all going to be surprised by a sweet little girl? Will I actually be able to find the blanket edging in the right color anywhere so I can finish his blanket or will I have to make my own edge? Will he get on a good schedule soon, or will he be colic? (Oh I hope not)!!

I am looking forward to canning baby food this year. And in preparation for that, I am actually going to plant a spot in Mum's garden. (Thank you Mum)! I think mainly carrots for baby food. I plan on planting peas as well, but I'm sure I'll eat them all fresh-who can resist them when they're fresh?

This summer is going to be good. I have a stroller with a car seat attachment, and we'll be going for walks, and visiting Grandma & Grandpa and all the Aunties and Uncles and cousins.

I hope all of you are doing well, and keeping creative and sunny! God bless.

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