Today, I think, I am having another
niece/nephew :) My sister-in-law is at the hospital as I type. This will be # 4 in all, her 2
nd. My sister has 2 as well, the youngest is just over 1 month old. I love being an aunt.
So while both of my siblings were in their pregnancy stages, I wrote a song for all of my nieces and nephews now and to come. I thought that today would be a fitting day to post the lyrics.
When everyone's gone
I sit at the back door
The moon comes out now
To be by my side
And I start to sing
Sing on and on
And I'll sing some more
I'll sing til the dawn
And the sun wakes up
To put me to bed
I fly through the sky
Orion takes my hand
We waltz through out space
Now it's time to land
And I start to sing
I'll sing while it's light
And I'll sing some more
I'll sing til twilight
And the moon wakes up
To put me to bed
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
And I start to sing
Sing on and on
And I'll sing some more
Sing til the dawn
And I start to sing
Sing while it's light
And I'll sing some more
Sing til twilight...
And the moon wakes up
To put me to bed
And that is my song.
I picked up some knitting needles a few weeks ago. I don't have a clue how they work. Some people use them to make things like sweaters and scarfs and other fall things. I don't know how to do that. So I made them into accessories.

There's some pretty cool colors too.

I made a little monster the week before last. It was for my friend's little boy. However, I visited my sister and showed her the monster first. Her little girl really liked it, so how could I go and not leave it behind?

I will make more...

Here's some random pictures I thought I'd throw in for fun.
My little gnome. I made him and was getting annoyed that it wasn't working out the way I wanted, so I threw him back into the slip bucket. I gave up. My Mum asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that, and that's when I decided somewhere in my heart, that I actually did want him. She rescued him for me, and though lots of the details were forever lost in the slip bucket, my little wizard-gnome now resides on top of Mum's roll-top desk in her family room.

I found this wonderful teapot (with teacups, bowls and spoons) at a garage sale down the street one hot sunny day. It was $4.00. Hmmm, seems like the best things are always $4.00 (like the beads I mentioned in the last post). I wasn't sure if I should buy the set, since I really don't have room for anything in my house. I walked away, leaving it all behind. I ended up going back, couldn't resist. I use it regularly.

Fluffy sentinels. Don't try to break in, who knows how sharp their teeth are!

Always lock your trees up. It's for their own safety.

Yummy brownies. Nothing like Mum baking brownies in the wood cook-stove at the cabin!

My little iron.